Monday, August 9, 2010

Pencil Carving Art By Dalton Getty

Dalton Getty is a 45-year-old resident of Bridgeport who turns ordinary pencils into miniature sculptures, without using a magnifying glass
He works very slowly and does not use any special tools: for he needed only a blade, a sewing needle and a very bright light. To protect their vision, the author works for one and half hours a day. One tiny sculpture may take several months, and one creation may take Dalton 2 and a 1/2 years.
Dalton believes that his sculptures are forcing people to stay for at least a few moments to escape from the mad rhythm of modern life and see the beauty in miniature detail.
If You have more information on Dalton Getty please e-mail The Modern Artist at:

Gordon Bennett’s Robot Sculptures

Gordon Bennett had a lot of useless junk and crazy ideas.  He had enough talent and skills to transform it into different robot sculptures with cool names. Each robot sculpture is absolutely unique and takes about a month to build.

For More Information on Gordon Bennett Check Out These Links:
Gordon Bennett’s Official Page -

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Nick Veasey’s X-Ray Photography

Nick Veasey is a British photographer and filmmaker working primarily within the medium of X-ray imaging. Born in London in 1962, he worked in the advertising and design industries and pursued work in conventional still photography before making the serendipitous discovery of applying X-ray imaging to everyday objects and skeletons after being asked to X-ray a cola can for a television show.
For More Info on Nick Veasey Check Out These Links:
Nick Veasey’s Official Page –
Nick Veasey On Wikipedia –
Nick Veasey’s Works at Young Gallery –